Wednesday, August 20, 2014

My Social Commentary Aug. 20, 2014
Ferguson’s On-going Conflict.
A midst the cries of outrage, sorrow and anger in Ferguson, Mo., voices are being heard calling for calm and peace in the streets. The senseless murder of Michael Brown has fueled week long demonstrations and looting in this St. Louis suburb. The police have not been able to quell the disturbances and have called in State Highway Patrol officers and the National Guard for assistance. This development has not calmed the demonstrators. To the contrary, the presence of National Guard troops and combat armored vehicles has only incited them more. The death of this young man has brought to the surface, once again, the fact that racism is still alive and well in America and that Black Americans are the major victims of racial discrimination and police brutality.
Disenfranchisement, racial discrimination and police brutality is nothing new to Black communities across the United States. We have been experiencing it for decades. We have gotten used to it and have adapted to it so much, that we have come to expect it in all of our dealings with the larger community. As long as Black Americans are silent and complacent, this status quoi of poverty, exploitation and racial discrimination will continue. Ferguson is a microcosm of conditions Black Americans are forced to live in across the United States. Everywhere there is a concentration of Black people, they are policed as if they were in a concentration camp.
I am not a proponent of violence and the destroying of property and businesses within our communities. There is not a point to be made or issue addressed by destroying your own communities and businesses within them; some of which were Black owned. I don’t believe this solves the problems of the Black community or brings about justice in addressing wrongs! It only adds credibility to the negative images and beliefs of those whose minds and hearts we desire to change towards ourselves. Leaving your communities as burned out shells will accomplish nothing! Having convenient goods and services in your community through businesses, is called infrastructure! If you destroy the infrastructure of a community, the result will be desolation, poverty, crime and apathy!
As Christians, God gives us “do overs”. I thank God for second chances! And in most of our lives, we have to thank Him for, third, fourth, fifth, sixth and so on, chances to “get it right”. In society, you rarely get the chance to correct past mistakes or be forgiven for past wrongs. If I were the representative of the Black community of Watts, California and was given the divine power to effect the past events of this community. The first thing I would do would be to reverse the Watts Riot and the Rodney King Riot! Regardless of the issues of “right and wrong”, these two events did more to hurt the Black populace and set back race relations than anything else! This is just my opinion! Why do I feel this way? Because, I grew up and lived in Watts! I know what it is to not have retail stores, restaurants, supermarkets and movie theaters in your community because protesters destroyed the infrastructure! I know what it is to have to go shopping for necessities in other communities, and be looked upon with distrust and dislike for being there.
People of Ferguson and people across the United States, don’t allow the enemy of God to trick you into actions that are detrimental to your lives and the life of your communities! You want justice for a perceived injustice? Then respectfully and peacefully express you displeasure! But most importantly be willing to come to discussion with authorities and offer remedies to correct and get redress for what was done. The devil is happy to see you burning and looting your communities! He knows that while you are doing this, you have forsaken Godliness! If you continue to practice ungodliness, he’s got power over your life. If you give him power, he will lead you to ruin, death and hell! I know what it is to witness the unjust death of a friend! I know how it feels to have hurt, grief, and anger swell up inside you that you feel you will burst into madness! I know what it feels like to want to take revenge on those who injured me this way!
However, I have learned of Christ that there are better ways; legitimate ways to secure redress for the wrongs of society. You must first free your heart and mind of hatred! That means you must forgive those who have wronged you unconditionally. It takes people who have faith in Christ to take this first step. They know the reason for forgiveness is for them and that we forgive others because God forgave us first! When we were deep into our sins, God grasped us; forgave our sins and saved us by His Mercy and Grace! Not because we did anything to deserve His favor! Only because of His election to do so! We are the recipients of “God’s unmerited favor.” That’s what He does! How dare you and I who have been forgiven all, not forgive others who have wronged us!
Secondly, we must utilize the Civil System, Criminal Justice System, and Judicial System and Legislatures to the fullest, to reach our desired goals. That takes the Patience of Job! We know that corruption exist in these institutions, but you cannot fight corruption with rocks and bottles. If we cannot get justice and fairness in these systems, then we must change the system. How do you change the systems? You effect change in the system by educating, training, supporting and electing competent, honest, ethical people of faith to these positions. Channel all that energy for destruction into working with groups and organizations already working in this vein. Form new groups and organizations that express your views for change and positive growth in our communities.
Peace and harmonious racial relations can be obtained, if you truly want this! Come out of the streets and get into civic organizations and your local church body to help them work for meaningful changes through cooperation and mutual trust. May God bless you to see the folly in violent civil disobedience and wanton destruction of communities? It is my prayer that God will grant you the spirit of forgiveness, so that bitterness does not grow in your hearts. May He open your mind and hearts to fresh ideas and methods of achieving justice and peace for the Black community! If you are angry and grieving, come to Jesus Christ and make your confession of need. Allow Him to calm your spirit and comfort your grief!
Your brother, In His Service
If you have found any value in this message, please feel free to share it!

Saturday, August 16, 2014


I have been silent up until now, concerning the tragic murder of Michael Brown in the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson. We have witnessed the anger, frustration and confrontation of residents with police authorities, ever since the incident. It is hard for people not present at the inception, to grasp what really occurred. They have to rely on rumor, and sketchy witness accounts of the events. One thing that is obvious to all is that the shooting of Michael Brown, (regardless of his guilt or innocence), is a decades old pattern of Blacks being murdered at the hands of Police. I am sure they will justify this killing with their standard defense, “I was in fear for my life”! (That’s why I shot an unarmed black teenager 8 times!)
Although I was born in St. Louis, Mo., I left there as a 5 year old child; and therefore know very little about the city and its peoples. I do have a large extended family living there and have been back on several occasions for a visit. I wanted to get a feel of what was going on and how the people felt concerning this matter and the way it is being played out in the media. So, I contacted some relatives and friends whom I know lived in the area, and would give me some honest, “boots on the ground” observations. From what I have learned and I believe to be true; Ferguson is what anyone would call, “a nice middle class, blue collar, well-kept community”!
My sources tell me that, this incident is an isolated exception to decades of peaceful coexistence between all ethnic groups and the police authorities. The area where this shooting took place is an area of public housing. (Projects) The police maintain a heavy presence there due to drug trafficking, gang violence, prostitution and regular homicides. So the atmosphere is one of continued surveillance and frequent police stops of suspicious people and behaviors. The stopping of Michael Brown may have been justified, however, the use of deadly force was unjustified by all standards of reasoning. Now, that brings me to the community’s response to this unjustified killing of an unarmed black teenager!
My sources say, that what was an peaceful expression of anger over the killing and frustration over lack of justice; turned into verbal outrage, chaos and rioting; looting and random destruction of local businesses. Is this behavioral response defensible or justified? I believe the peaceful, law abiding people of Ferguson, would be the first to say emphatically, NO! Several of my observers, indicate that the real cause of the rioting was the criminal elements.  Thugs and gang members are the source of the rioting, looting and destruction! They use the outrage of the people over this incident, to edge them on to riot and destroy their own community. They have used Michael Brown’s death as an excuse to steal and destroy local businesses for their own gain! They could care less about Michael Brown, as long as they can steal merchandise and behave like thugs.
They need to take a lesson from the Watts and Detroit Riots of the late 1960’s. I lived in Watts, Jordan Downs Projects when the riots broke out over an unjustified killing of a black motorist. I witness firsthand the rioting, looting and destruction of the business district. I saw the fear in people as the National Guard surrounded the community and cut off utilities and imposed a curfew that would get you shot dead for being on the street. I remember huddling on the floor with my wife and child in an effort to protect them from the gunfire and rambling bands of thugs preying on innocent people. I lost my lively hood because my so-called black brothers broke into my storage and stole all my gardening equipment.
Most importantly, I saw how those same bad brothers were weak little cowards when the police and National Guard went door to door, retrieving merchandise and arresting those who participated in the riot. What is so very sad about the Watts and Detroit riots is this: a) people lost their lives over nothing but foolishness; b) the criminals and thugs helped to destroy the infrastructure of these communities; c) very few businesses rebuilt in these communities; d) people from these areas were discriminated against when seeking employment; obtaining loans and insurances. To this day, large retail businesses who previously had a presence in these communities and provided thousands of jobs, fled and never came back! 54 years after the Watts Riot, there is no major department stores; Supermarkets; Restaurants or even one Movie Theater. People have to leave their community and go to another for services.
We all know, from incident after incident, that racism is “alive and well” in America! However, we cannot defeat racism by destroying our communities and then begging the same racist people to do for us, now that we don’t have a home. Racism can only be destroyed by decent people standing together for what is right and just for everyone! How can we say we believe in an All-Loving and just God, and not stand up against injustice when we experience it? This insidious disease of racism does not just affect Black Americans; but Hispanics, Asian and White Americans also. The National Press and media outlets have had their cameras rolling 24-7 in Fergusson, Mo. Guess what two publicity seeking blood suckers of poor people, showed up?? None other than the Black Opportunist, Rev. Jessie (Keep me Alive) Jackson and his equally opportunist buddy, Rev. Al Sharpton! Better known as “Black Activist and Exploitation Leaders!”   Malcom X once call them, “Lying Black Chitlin-Sucking Preachers.” At that time I thought he was too hard on them and their activist programs. But I fear he may have been more insightful than I, since observing their behaviors over the years.
A case in point, the murder of Kelly Thomas last year in Fullerton, Ca.  A white homeless man suffering from schizophrenia, was beaten to death by Fullerton Police. Where were Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton when the people of Fullerton, California were screaming “police brutality” and demonstrating against the Fullerton Police Department Officer’s, unjust beating to death of Kelly Thomas? Where were our publicity seeking so-called activist leaders?? Normally, like ocean sharks, they would have smelled the blood of a victim from wherever they were. Normally, they would have immediately held press conferences to announce their outrage of the event and their intention to come and demonstrate on behalf of the injured party until justice was served! Normally, they would have shown up at the scene of the crime the very next day; regardless to where they had to fly from.
I thought these gentlemen’s (and I use the term very loosely, with tongue in cheek) civil rights agenda and stance, were dedicated to defending the civil rights of “all peoples”. Their previous histories show them before the television news cameras, on popular television and radio shows and in the printed media, decrying the injustice against a person and rallying for demonstrations against the injustices perpetrated by those in authority against “its citizens”. These two clowns were always the first to run before the cameras and media to champion the cause of the injured party. My question is, do they only champion the injustices done to “black people”? Or do they champion against injustice to “all people”?
Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton are both Christian Preachers and So called Civil Rights Activist. They should be the first to come to the defense of any victims of injustice, regardless of their race. Do you see them reaching out to other races and communities offering their support to the victims and their families? No! Could it be because it is not an issue where they could derive some publicity, monetary or political value from it?  Could it be because despite their claims to care about “all people”, they are really only concerned with the plight of ‘black people”?  I hope this is not the case! But it sure does look like that, the way they have run to Ferguson, Mo. and jumped in front of the cameras! My sources tell me that, the overall consensus of the people of Ferguson, is that they don’t like or appreciate Jessie and Al coming there and trying to take over their demonstration. One person stated, “Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton are not our leaders! They don’t represent me and never will!” Another person says, “They just want to look like they doing something for the white people!” “They need to go back where they come from and let us talk for ourselves!”
Who was it that said, “There go my people! I got to catch up with them, after all, I am their leader!” By this time in our social and world history, we should have learned that as human beings, we are all living this life TOGETHER.  Our individual actions today not only affect us; but have nationwide and often time, world implications. As believers in Christ, we are commanded to “love one another, even as God loves us.” Unconditional love does not see color or race! It sees another child of God in need, hurt or suffering injustice at the hand of another! The Christ indwelling us, demands that we come to his aide. If our (so-called) leaders won’t extend the love of Christ to others, so be it! That just means you and I should and must leave our complacency, and show our love and support to ANYONE, suffering injustice. Not just to our own race. That is perpetuation of racism! If we do this, I believe we don’t have the right to call ourselves Christians! We are not following Jesus’s teachings and example! We are hypocrites the same as the Pharisees, Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton!
There is so much crime and suffering going on in our communities. There is so much good that people of goodwill, could do, if they would only trust God and reach out to help their fellow man. Grieve for Michael Brown and his family! Allow yourself to express compassion for another human being! One that God loves just as much as He loves you! As for the officer who took his life, let the justice system adjudicate the matter. If justice is not served here, it most surely will be given by God! Don’t allow yourselves to act uncivilized and ungodly by rioting, stealing and destroying property! May God quiet the anger; calm the frustration and comfort the hearts of those who grieve!
Your brother, In His Service


As human beings we often say and do things to one another, that in our heart of hearts, we truly did not mean and at some point, we truly r...