Tuesday, September 16, 2014



Now that I have your attention! Have you noticed how bold and risqué photo post have become on Facebook and Instagram lately? It is disheartening to witness our young women cheapen themselves by posting sexually suggestive photos of themselves on Face Book and Instagram, in an effort to attract someone. Ladies, did it ever occur to you what you are seemingly advertising when you post selfies of your butt for the world to see? Except for those men who view your photos as objects of lust; anyone else would view you as a low class, slutty tramp. Is this the only way you can attract a man? Are you that desperate? And what type of man will you attract by putting your assets on display? Is your body all you have to offer a man? You do know that potential employers hire agencies to scour the internet for content concerning you? Nothing is hidden and everything is accessible! Do you think your future employers will consider hiring you or promoting you, when they see you scantily dressed, with your behind posed on Facebook and Instagram? Unfortunately, we seem to  have adopted fornication and adultery as a cultural norm in our society. Both of these immoral behaviors can lead to unwanted pregnancy, transmission of deadly diseases, and possibly the murder of a baby by abortion!

Young ladies and supposedly mature ladies…. you need to check yourselves and your behaviors! You are looking for love in all the wrong places; under all the wrong conditions and at the wrong times in your development. Young and old are confused about what love and relationship means. Too many of you are equating your physical desires and indulgences for love and relationship. On this basis you will only have temporary affairs and encounters with men who won’t commit to you alone. You have opened the door to your own heartache! To bring the right person into your life, you need to put God first in your life and allow Him to make you into the woman that a decent man would want. You must first become a person of good character and morality yourself; respecting yourself and others; carrying yourself with pride and dignity;  standing fast on your commitment to preserve yourself until marriage. 

Now, don’t tell me about a woman’s right to her body! That’s the Planned Parenthood motto and the major cause of abortion! Allow me to be politically correct for a moment! The name Planned Parenthood is an oxymoron! Under this guise, women and young girls can abort their babies after becoming pregnant, from willful acts of fornication and adultery! They can feel less guilt about it because “it’s your body and you don’t have to have a baby until you are ready.” Any fool knows if you engage unprotected sexual relations, you run the risk of pregnancy; regardless if you are ready or not! If you are not ready for the potential responsibility of parenthood, then don’t engage in this risky behavior. Women keep your legs closed and men keep it zipped up!

The enemy of God and righteousness, (in case you forgot, The Devil) desires you to commit sin and murder your babies! Throughout history the murder of innocent babies has plagued civilization. Thousands were murdered in Herod’s attempt to prevent Christ from being born. Pharaoh murdered thousands in his attempt to prevent Moses’s birth. Now, we are murdering millions of babies because they came as an “inconvenient result” of our sinful acts of fornication and adultery. God has a better plan for his people! Abstain, and preserve your “Gift” for your marriage! You know that one of God’s commandments is “You shall not kill.” Well, my friends… Abortion, regardless to who sanctions it; under whatever circumstances or at whatever stage of fetus developement…….is murder!  Don’t you understand that the instant a single male sperm penetrates a single female egg. . .Life has been initiated!  If you cannot understand this, then you need to take a refresher biology course. This is a biological TRUTH! But you say, “It’s my body and I have a right to do with it as I please!”

The first right a woman has to her body is not to give it away to every lying man that crosses her path! A woman has the right and moral obligation to preserve her “Gift” until she is in the lawful, protective relationship of marriage. Until she and her intendant husband stand before God and witnesses, and declare their love and fidelity to one another; they are just shacking up! Society may say that “it’s OK to live together! You need to test what you are getting and see if you like it before, you get married!” That’s what the enemy wants you to do! Be immoral, shack up and commit fornication and adultery; risk your reputation; risk unwanted pregnancy and disease; disrespecting God’s institution of marriage that creates, populates and protects the family. God says the bound of marriage is the only place for men and women “to exchange their Gifts”!
My sisters, you need to come out of them bars and night clubs trying to find a “good man”. Good men; decent men are not found in hanging out in bars, nightclubs and strip joints! They are not sitting on a bar stool trying to seduce,   drug and rape some woman. The only thing you have a potential of meeting in the bars and clubs, is a thug; a criminal; abusers; a rapist, a thief; low life’s, con men and men on the down low! You put your life in danger every time you leave out with some man or woman you just met and jump into bed with them! Some of you do worse than that! In your stupidity, you bring them to your home and go to bed! How do you face and answer your child when they ask you in the morning, “Mama, who’s that man in your bed?” It is a dangerous game and you cannot win! Do you want to know why Aids is so rampant in our communities? It is because of men and women’s promiscuous sexual behaviors! To address it by its proper names, it is because of Fornication and Adultery, Sin!

If you are a single woman with minor children, raise them yourself! Raise them by yourself! You can do this until God brings the “right” man into your life.  He will be a man that loves God and will love you and your children as his own! He will be a husband to you and a father to your children because Christ reigns in his life. Only God can put that kind of love into a man’s heart. You have to be patient and allow God to do it! Stop gambling with the lives of your children. The news media and police files are full of cases where stupid women have brought rapist,  pedophile’s and men “on the down low” home thinking they have met “someone special”. Men will tell you anything to get you in bed! He’s a smooth talker and has charmed you through your body and the lust of your desires. You think its love….. He knows it’s only sex!  Next thing you know, you are spending money on him and moving him into your home, over your children; thinking you are getting them a daddy. What are you going to do when you find him physically or sexually abusing your kids?

He’s not their father! You think you “know him”, when you just met him! You have put your children that you claim you love more than anything, in danger just so you can have a man in your bed. How stupid can you be? If you want a decent man, stop dressing like hookers and hoochie mama’s; twerking and shaking your behinds all over the place; thinking a decent man wants to see you looking and acting this way. Wear your clothing at respectable lengths. Stop showing everything you have to the world, by wearing clothes too short and too tight fitting. You even modify your behavior based on your attire. The shorter and tighter fitting your clothing, the more raunchy and ghetto you act, exposing your private parts.  The reason it’s called “private parts” is because they are supposed to be kept “Private”! Not on public display! That’s what too many of you are doing! You are putting it all out there “on display.” There is nothing left to the imagination because you are showing it all like a piece of meat in a display case. You force a man choose you based on his lust for the flesh and not for your virtues! What you are showing and saying by your actions is, “This is what you will get, if you choose me!”

Unfortunately, this attire and behavior has slowly crept into the Church! Some Christian women even come to church dressed totally inappropriately for the House of Prayer; talking about they are saved and sanctified! How they justify their appearance as a saved and sanctified woman, I don’t know. They want to carry their modesty in the form of a “lap scarf!” Common sense should tell you if you have to use a lap scarf, your dress is too short!  I do know a godly woman dresses appropriately with pride, modesty and self-respect for God’s House of Worship. Dressing like hookers and hoochie’s has no place in the worship of God. It is disgraceful! If your Pastor or Church Mothers have not told you this before, I am telling you now! Yes, you come to Christ as you are, with what you have; until you learn better and can do better! The more mature Christian women should have no problem pulling the younger, less mature ladies lovingly aside and teaching them what is appropriate dress for the house of God. The Godly woman is beautiful because of her Godliness and virtue adorns her like a crown! She is not beautiful because of worldly fashions and attire!  

How the shape of her body looks is for her husband only to know! It is not for every man that she passes. If some of these Pastors weren’t so weak and afraid of losing people from the church rolls, they would not permit their parishioners to come to church dressed totally inappropriate! They need to stop hiding behind the weak excuse, “We can’t tell women how to dress!” Yes, you can! If the Pastor of the Church sets and follows the standard of biblical decency, then the women of the church have no choice but to comply or move on! If they comply and adjust their dress accordingly, then you have church body that adheres to high moral standards. If they move on to a more liberal, worldly values accepting church, then “good riddance!” Work even harder teaching our young girls and women modesty and moral conduct that is pleasing to God and gives them the respect and admiration of godly men.

If your behavior puts you in any of these categories, now is a good time to turn back to God and repent! Your salvation and a changed life is only a sincere prayer away! The God we serve is an Awesome God! He is a forgiving, loving God! There is nothing you have done that He will not forgive because of the shed blood of Christ Jesus! Pray, confess and repent! He is the God of Second, Third, Fourth and unlimited chances! I pray that our Father will grant you the strength to turn your life around in the face of all this attraction to evil and sin. Call upon the name of Jesus, and be saved!
Your brother, In His Service

Min. Douglas

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


My People, “Stop following these Sooth-Sayers, Motivational Gurus and Tel-a-liar’s, So-called Prophets and Self Appointed Apostles!

These people are in reality the “False Teachers” the Bible warns you about! They have blinded well intentioned Christians with their philosophic, psycho-babel, mumbo-jumbo! You see their “feel good” messages daily in the post of Facebook and other Social Media sites. They try to make profound declarations out of their pseudo philosophy! Most of their quotes are mixed-up Bible truths with psycho-babble! Some of it is out right nonsense! I know some of you will be offended by my pronouncement, against some of these popular preachers of heretical doctrine. (Yes, I am talking about them people you listen to rather than read your Bible for yourself); but when you examine what they teach through the lens of God’s Word, falsehood and nonsense is exactly what you will find! A bunch of psychological junk! You would probably be more upset right now, if I start naming these perpetrators of falsehoods.  Some of you may be surprised, but I doubt it, because they are on national television, radio, internet and in bookstores as Best Selling Authors. But then I don’t have to tell you! You know who they are and you know what they are! In truth, they are detractors from the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ; Cheshire cat, grinning deceivers and agents of the enemy of God! 
I know you say “They preach so well” And “They sound so right and they look so good and sincere!”

You have come under the spell of “personality worship!”  You are captivated by their appearance of affluence and attainment! It is the “prosperity gospel” where money and power is worshiped. And quite naturally you desire to have the same. You believe if you follow them, you will achieve the same success as they have! You follow these people religiously instead of following the True Savior, Jesus Christ! You give them praise and worship that only belongs to God! You practice the methods and recite the mantras of these mumbo-jumbo false teachers, instead of obeying the Word of God! Why do you do this? Because you find it easier than committing yourself to God and His plan for your life! You have found in them a church where you can pretend living righteously, while still living sinful! You don’t have to commit yourself totally to God! They will never demand that you live holy! Their only concern is the money you funnel into their pockets. You get a temporary emotional, adrenalin fix on their teachings and the motivational hype. You like this! You think the solution to all your problems lie achieving their false prosperity! But the permanent solutions and true joy of life is only found in the teachings of Jesus Christ! Their teachings won’t lead you to salvation and a relationship with God. Their teachings are all about “The Self” and how you can speak yourself to be “materially prosperous” now.

Why is all their teaching about achieving wealth, money and prosperity? You getting rich; having mansions, opulence and power over others? Why is living good now, the center of their message? They want you to forfeit eternal life in heaven for the temporal pleasures of Satan’s world! They want you to “plant a financial seed’ for a harvest you will never see! They are at the top of the pyramid scheme and you cannot get there! The prize for them is the loss of your soul! They pretend to love God and but they actually hate God and righteousness! The Bible’s teaching is about your soul’s salvation; the prosperity of your health and spirituality; your eternal destination and how to live your life free from the sinful influences of the enemy’s world. Yes! You can do this! But you cannot do it on your own! Those who follow Christ’s teachings have learned that we have no power of ourselves. The power to overcome the strongholds of sin in our lives comes only from the mercy and grace of God! It comes through His Son when we first believed and invited Jesus Christ into our lives. We are no longer estranged from God and we live victorious lives!   God’s Holy Spirit lives in us now! We are able to do all things “through Christ who strengthens” us! Pick up your Bible, the Word of God and find the joy of knowing God through the life and teachings of Jesus Christ!

Leave the slick talking, mystic, philosophical and motivational nonsense alone! It is occult superstition and demonic in its origins! Find a Bible Teaching Church that will help you to grow into the righteous person God intends you to be. Find a church where discipline and accountability is respected! Where people love the Lord and desire to live righteous lives.  Your real motivation lies within the scripture knowledge handed down to us in the Bible. You will be daily motivated, refreshed and empowered by the Word of God! You will find the God of Salvation who makes good on His Promises. Your commitment to Christ will make you a new person and enabled you to be successful in your undertakings! You will know faith; grow in truth and love for yourself and others as you apply God’s Word to your life.  Through the pages of the Bible, you will find encouragement, comfort and assurance in times of distress. While others are confused and unsure, you will have clarity and assurance of your eternal salvation. Gain control of your life by giving God control in your life! Come to know God for yourself! Come to Jesus Christ and Be Saved! Stop following the Sooth-Sayers, Motivational Gurus and Tel-a-liar’s! Be deceived no longer!
Your brother, In His Service 


Wednesday, September 3, 2014

I am just about sick of all you Obama haters and critics! You screamed loud and cried over the number of US soldiers killed in Iraq and said, “Obama, bring our troops home from Iraq!” He brought them home from Iraq! Now you crying, “Well he brought them home too soon! We should have stayed longer because now ISIS is taking the country.” Then you screamed loud and cried over the number of US soldiers killed in Afghanistan and said, “Obama, bring our troops home from Afghanistan!” He’s been reducing troop levels in Afghanistan and bringing them home! Now you say, “We need to send troops back to maintain a presence because if we leave, the Taliban will take over Afghanistan! Now, since ISIS is attempting to take over the entire middle east and you say, “The President is acting too slowly; he needs to bomb them and send in troops! They brutally murdered two journalist and “it is Obama’s fault” because he did not act as quick or the way you wanted him to!
You people want to fight a war where there’s no bloodshed and no one gets killed! We all want our soldiers to come home without injuries and alive! However, you need to get your heads out of the comic books and television fantasy world and see the reality of conflicts and war! People are killed in wars! Not just combatants, but innocent civilians. You need to stop your “arm chair quarterbacking” and criticizing strategies that you know nothing about! Everyone is upset and shocked of the barbaric actions of ISIS but no one wants to make an emotional decision and rush headlong into catastrophe!   The Commander In Chief has to think about the entire population of the US and how his responses will affect us now and in the future. Your public criticisms do nothing but aid the enemies of America. It shows division among our people and wanton disrespect for our elected leader!
We have an all-volunteer military! They volunteer to enlist and fight for America because they believe in America and in serving their country. They know full well they may be in harm’s way and are willing to take that risk so we at home can remain free. They are the bravest men and women! President Obama did not draft anyone or start these wars. He is still adjusting and cleaning up Bush’s failed policies! None of us know what all is involved and on the table at the White House! We can only guess and 9 out of 10, our guesses would be wrong! Let the people who do know, do their jobs without you “do nothing moaners and groaners” mouthing off in the press!
How do you fight an enemy hiding among the populace? The enemy looks like, talks like and dresses like the civilian populace! How do you fight him and not kill up the innocent people of the country? If you bomb them, you have civilian casualties. If you send in ground troops, the enemy hides their weapons and blends into population, appearing as ordinary families! Just like in Afghanistan, Palestine, Syria and Iraq, they don’t wear distinguishable uniforms! They wear the native clothing of their culture. So how do you know who to shoot? You don’t, until they are shooting at you!
You want to cry and moan and try to take our President to task over two journalist butchered by ISIS! We are sorry for your loss and do feel your pain! At the same time, we don’t hear you crying and moaning about the 1500 to 2500 innocent Christians who were murdered; or the innocent Muslims, who were murdered by their fellow Muslims ISIS! Why? Because they would not abandon Christ for Allah or were Muslims who are not of the ISIS sect! How can people cut off the heads of innocent Christian babies? How can they behead, impale and shoot men, women and children; in the name of a God? You want to put Obama out of the White House now! It won’t make any difference who is in the seat of the Oval Office. The enemy’s agenda will be the same and it will be carried out in the same manner! They don’t want to live in peaceful coexistence with Westerners. They want their brand of Islam to dominate the world with its archaic, barbaric Sharia Law.  Instead of criticizing, you need to be praying that God guides our President to make the best and correct decisions regarding the course of action! You need to be praying that God protects our troops wherever they are! And you really need to pray that ISIS does not get into the United States!

 Your brother, In His Service
Min. Douglas


As human beings we often say and do things to one another, that in our heart of hearts, we truly did not mean and at some point, we truly r...