Welcome to my blog! I have chosen this medium of communication because it affords all who have something to say, whether monumentally important or trivial, the largest listening audience. I am a Christian! I am a follower of Jesus Christ and a Minister of His Gospel.  I write commentary on a variety of subjects, concerning the Church today, the Scriptures and our society, as it relates to Christian living. This blog is an effort to share what God has blessed me to know and understand from studying His Word.

 I am a truth seeker and a diligent Bible Student. I do not consider myself a Theologian or an authority on Bible scripture, by any stretch of imagination. Neither am I trying to impress anyone with what little intellect God has blessed me with. I have attended no seminary or institution of higher learning prior to starting this blog project. However, since then I have enrolled in Seminary and attend regularly. There are no theological or doctoral degrees behind my name, as I am not seeking the approbation of men. God has led me to attend Seminary, to gain formal knowledge in Theology and to formally learn how to represent my calling to Ministry.  I am just a humble servant, your brother in Christ. Diligently studying and seeking knowledge and a better understanding of God’s Word and Will.

 I consider myself an empty vessel and therefore usable by the Lord. I am seeking to be filled by His knowledge alone. I have everything I need, in Jesus Christ. I hope through this blog, you will come to the same realization! My writings are commentary on questions and issues we have all found that effect us as Christians. Questions that may not have been adequately answered in the past and have caused us much confusion today.  Questions that challenge our beliefs and practices and cause us to wonder in search for clearer answers than what we have received. The subjects address here will undoubtedly stimulate some thought and possibly controversy. I find myself now taking exception to many of the teachings, doctrines and long established traditions we were raised with and are still being preached today. It would appear that as Christians, we have become complacent in our practices.

Looking at our church leaders today, one cannot help but see how many have become lax in their preaching, teaching and doctrine application. Listening to the quality of sermons being preached, it seems they have compromised and made concessions with the world, in proclaiming the Gospel! This is not a blanket indictment of all Pastors. However, many Pastors have jumped on the popular bandwagon of the “prosperity gospel”; and are preaching a “feel good” gospel, in an attempt to be politically correct. They have turned a blind eye to sin running rampant within the church. They are afraid to confront the issues that are running people away from the Church and their salvation. They fear losing their positions of authority and their paychecks.

They are misguided into thinking the Gospel of Jesus Christ is worded too strong and they don't want to  offend anyone! I could care less about being politically correct or who may get their feelings hurt upon hearing the truth of the Gospel!   I am of the opinion that political correctness is, trying not to offend anyone with our words, while it is an offense to God to alter His Word to appease sinners. It is their compromising and watering down the truth, which is causing many to live continuously in error and outside of God's intended Will. Pastors must be “Biblical Correct" in their preaching, teaching and doctrine today! Matthew 7:13 (NASB) says, "Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it." Many come to stand at the crossroad of decision; to accept the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ or to continue on the broad road to destruction! It is my prayer they choose “The Road Less Traveled' and enter through the narrow gate to life eternal.

Your brother, In His Service

Min. Douglas Daniels

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