Monday, March 18, 2013

THE EASTER LIE Or Has the Meaning of Easter been corrupted?

 It is amazing how we celebrate the Death, Burial and Resurrection of Jesus Christ! We call it Easter and believe it is a Christian celebration. However, like so many other things we do as Christians, we don’t have a clue as to why we do them or their origin in our religious practices. Easter is one of those celebrations we should take a closer look at. Has anyone asked the question, what does the Easter Egg, Easter Bunny, Easter Baskets, New Clothing, and a sumptuous Easter Diner, have to do with Jesus Christ?

If people really want to answer this question, there is an abundance of factual sources available in the libraries and numerous internet sites. I won’t try to site the details of all their origins here. It would be too long of a piece. Suffice it to say, that man has mixed the redemptive work of Jesus on the cross, with a pagan seasonal festival! To add insult to the injury of Jesus’ memory, modern day peoples have commercialized the celebration promoting the sales of everything from clothing to pet chicks and rabbits, for this day.

We have even named the occasion Easter, after the Anglo-Saxon Pagan Spring Fertility Rites of the Goddess, Eostre; and not after Jesus, for whose resurrection it is supposed to commemorate! We think if we observe Lent for forty days and deny ourselves some indulgence, we have done something really great! Something that will incur God’s favor to us! What have we accomplished, when we return to those same indulgences and sinful acts, after the Lent Season?  How foolish we are! Lent is supposed to be a time when many Christians prepare for Easter by observing a period of fasting, repentance, moderation and spiritual discipline. The purpose is to set aside time for reflection on Jesus Christ - his suffering and his sacrifice, his life, death, burial and resurrection. But what do we do?.......... We make it about US!

I don’t remember reading in The Bible, that when Jesus rose on Sunday morning, there were decorated baskets filled with brightly colored eggs; chocolate rabbits; baby chicks and assorted candies; or live rabbits found running around His tomb! The Easter Egg and The Easter Bunny are symbols for fertility!  The word Easter or the name Easter comes to us from Ostera or Eostre; the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring, for whom a spring festival was held annually in the spring months. It is from this pagan festival that some of our Easter customs have come. You know pagans are defined as heathens, unbelievers and worshipers of false Gods and Idols. They used the symbols of eggs and rabbits in their fertility rites. The practice was to implore the Goddess blessings for abundant harvest and numerous children.

I cannot find it written in The Bible, that Jesus’ disciples or the people of their time, went on shopping sprees; buying new robes, fine jewelry, new sandals, lamps, furniture and the latest model of horse drawn chariots; in honor of Jesus’ death and resurrection! Nor do I remember reading in The Bible, where the Disciples of Christ, along with the general public held a grand feast; ate themselves into gluttony, danced and drank wine until drunken; to celebrate Jesus’ victory over the grave!  So how did such a monumental, world changing event become corrupted with paganism, idolatry and commercialism? Do you think The Enemy has anything to do with it? Do you think he is pleased that we have seemingly forgotten the true significance of Jesus Death, Burial and Resurrection?  Have we allowed the devil to distract and redirect our focus to purchasing finery and things glorifying ourselves; rather than reverent acknowledgement of Jesus’ sacrifice for our redemption; bought with His blood on Calvary?

Jesus' death was very significant! In fact, it was the most significant death of a human in all of history!  It was the final sacrificial act of a life of love and service! A divine life bestowed upon all mankind. The grand thing about Jesus' death was the way he died; the magnificent and courageous spirit in which he met his death in total obedience to the will of His Father. He took an event designed to humiliate, intimidate and horrify on lookers and turned it into a triumph for God and a symbol of salvation for the world. In His final prayer of, "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do," we find Jesus’ final demonstration of the love of God and removal of our sins. In this, He set a standard that would be later followed by most of His disciples and new Christians, as they were martyred for their belief in Christ.

In Gethsemane Jesus sought to avoid His death; if this choice would be in agreement with the Father's will. He prayed, "Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me!" But His purpose was to live the full human life experience, from birth to death and to do His Father’s will. In our human life we cannot usually avoid our death, nor have it taken away. So Jesus submitted himself to death on the cross. A death brought about by men -- not by God! It was God's permissive will that Jesus should finish His human experience, even though it included "drinking the cup" of death at the hands of His enemies. They did not take his life! He gave his life of his own free will! But God was faithful, and Jesus rose on Resurrection Sunday with all power in His hands!

Jesus' courage and selfless devotion to the service of man and God by his crucifixion should be of inspiration to all, at this time of year.  It was the final act of a life of service!  "Greater love has no man than to lay down his life for his friends." Jesus lived a life of service to all! Teaching, healing, forgiving and performing miracles never seen before his coming. Through His life He revealed God to mankind, and He courageously and selflessly bore the sins of the world by His death in our stead. He revealed the Divine love of God and upheld Divine justice; removing our guilt and reconciling us to God the Father. He redeemed us from the penalty of sin, which we know from scripture is Death. He died once and He died for all!

Jesus did not rise on “Easter”! He rose on Resurrection Sunday after the Passover! Jesus and his followers observed the Jewish Passover Feast and the seven-day festival called Days of the Unleavened Bread and not the festival of Easter. The word Easter is mentioned only once in the Bible, in the Original King James Version; Acts 12:4.The reference is to the pagan festival held after the Passover.  However, the word translated Easter is the Greek word pascha (derived from the Hebrew word Pesach; there is no original Greek word for Passover), and the word Pesach has only one meaning. It always means Passover—it can never mean Easter! Easter was incorrectly translated over the original Hebrew word Pesach for Passover!  They slipped the pagan festival honoring the pagan Goddess Easter, into scripture to make it appear that the Easter celebration was a Christian practice and is therefore has Bible authority for its observance today. The early Christians observed the Resurrection of Jesus, calling it Resurrection Sunday and not Easter Sunday.

Beloved, if you desire to continue in the worship of the false god, Easter……… do so! That is on you! But don’t mix these abominations of man with the worship of Jesus Christ. Separate the worship and remembrance of Christ from this pagan fertility rite celebration.   Put your hearts and mind on Jesus and the true meaning of His death on the cross and His resurrection from the grave.  Be thankful, grateful and appreciative of his sacrifice in your and my behalf. Because he loved us so much, we are free from the death sentence imposed by sin. All we have to do is accept his gift, believe and live in the faith of our belief. Don’t continue to insult Jesus by participation in the pagan Spring Festival rites! Even if your church condones the practice as harmless, it is still a pagan practice and not of God! Just because a practice is a long held tradition, does not make it right! One hundred people cheating on an exam, does not make it right! Christians should always desire and do what is RIGHT!

Jeremiah 10:2 –“Thus Saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, (unbelievers) and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.”
Your brother, In His Service
Min. Douglas


As human beings we often say and do things to one another, that in our heart of hearts, we truly did not mean and at some point, we truly r...