Thursday, October 17, 2013


By Min. Douglas Daniels
Recently the Oxygen Network launched a new reality program entitled “The Preachers of L.A.” There is clamor all over the internet and particularly in social media forums. Viewer’s in general and Christian Viewers in particular are not pleased with the images portrayed by the “real Pastor’s’ in this reality series. Many have voiced their displeasure stating these Pastors are a disgrace to the Ministry. Their behavior and conversation is more akin to Pimps, Players and Hustlers, then to “Men of God.” The consensus I have read, seem to feel that this show does a disservice to the Church, God and the Ministry of Preaching.
While these “Pastors” have undoubtedly accomplished great works in their respective church communities, the images they project by their lavish lifestyles promotes the Non-Biblical, Prosperity Gospel. The parable of Jesus and the wealthy young ruler clearly shows that the love of this world and its wealth, luxury and power, will keep you from following Christ. Christ and His Apostles example in ministry shows us to be modest, humble and reserved in our speech. Ministers are to be bold in proclaiming the Gospel and serve God’s people in humility and love.
What we are witnessing in this reality series are men who have forgotten what their high calling to the ministry of God’s people is about! They have allowed the deceptiveness of ego and self-aggrandizement to cause them to believe it is about them and they have power of their own. They believe their own hype and the praise and applause of their congregations. It is God and God alone through His Holy Spirit that draws the sinner to salvation. The accumulation of wealth and material things is not evidence of God’s favor.   The Pharisees’ attempted to put forth this same argument to Jesus, without success. Titles and opulent houses, expensive cars and clothes; wealth and success, are not a badge of anyone’s righteousness.
We as a people and followers of Christ need to stop elevating these men to objects of praise and worship. God alone deserves our praise and worship, not the shepherds! We cause them to err with our adoration. When they do err, we lose our faith because we put our faith in fallible men and not the infallible God! To be called to minister is a high honor! It is a privilege and a greater responsibility. He is set aside by God for the special work of serving God’s people and kingdom building. A MINISTER MUST BE ABOVE REPROACH AND OF GOOD CHARACTER! HE MUST NOT EVEN GIVE THE APPEARANCE OF IMPROPRIETY IN HIS ACTIONS OR THE ADMINISTRATION OF GOD’S CHURCH! The Church is an edifice dedicated to the worship God. It is not supposed to be a monument to the pastor!
Those who are called to the ministry of God’s Word to His people must be humble! They are not boisterous and immodest! The notion of humility is a notion of selflessness, commonness, submissiveness and lowliness. The Apostle Paul states the minister’s position clearly in
2 Corinthians 4:7 “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves;” (NASB) In Paul’s time, it was customary to conceal treasure in clay jars, which had little value or beauty and did not attract attention to themselves and their precious contents. The treasure Paul is speaking of is the Gospel of Jesus Christ! The earthen vessels or clay pots he is alluding to are the preachers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is not our Gospel! We are simply the clay pots that contain this Glorious Gospel! 
In the previous verse of 2Corinthians 4:5, he clarifies the minister’s position of service; “For we do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus as Lord, and ourselves as your bond-servants for Jesus’ sake.” We don’t preach our own gospel as do the false teachers, who are puffed up with self-importance. Who live flamboyant lifestyles to be seen of men! This Gospel is not about the preacher or pastor!  We are servants/slaves for Jesus’ sake. Not only are we the servants/slaves of God, but we are servants/slaves of God’s people. This is the attitude Paul had towards his ministry and this is the attitude these pastors should have and display. If you are seeing anything other than humility and service; that means they have either forgotten or abandoned their high calling. In either case, they are not good representatives of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to His people!
It would appear from the episodes recently aired, that these so called pastors have chosen their own paths, differing from sound biblical teachings. Let us pray that those who have set themselves aside from the path that God called them to follow will awaken and repent of their follies! Let us pray that they stop playing with God and His Word! This is a game they cannot win! I personally know of a preacher who played with God; misused his calling and misguided God’s people. His deeds were eventually exposed. He was suddenly stricken with a debilitating disease and laid on his back unable to speak or eat, for ten years before he died!
The call to ministry to God’s people is a serious responsibility and not to be taken lightly! It is to be upheld by the highest ethical standards! A wise man once said, “Ministers should desire to be effective expositors of God’s Word and true pastors, not showmen or motivational speakers.” A minister must live up to the call on his life or leave it alone! If you continue to play with God, you will get burnt! From all the news headlines of falling pastors, it appears that God is making manifest the corruption under His name; in His churches and the body of Christ.
The time is at hand! Repent and set God’s house in order!
Your brother, In His Service

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