You have heard this often repeated scripture of Malachi 3: verses 6-10, wherein it relates to tithes and offerings. It is not enough for a pastor or anyone to just quote these verses as the authority by which the church demands believers to pay tithes of ten per cent. To fully understand this scripture, you need to understand the true context in which it was written. To do this, you need to read the entire book of Malachi. Most people don’t really study the Bible to know truly the meaning of scripture. Particularly some pastors are guilty of this. They prefer to skim through the bible; to pick and choose scriptures that are relevant to a thought or support the message they want to get across in a sermon. This is not proper study of the word.
The Bible is written in a way that tells stories. All of the stories depicted in the bible bare a message or lessons that will aide our spiritual growth. Basically, it tells the story of God and His relationship to man and a nation. How He brought them into existence; how they repeatedly failed to keep His commandments; how they suffered as a result of their disobedience; and how He put forth a plan for their redemption through the blood sacrifice of His Beloved Son. It is a very simple narrative, but it is full of history, drama, and truth. To get at the truth, you must read more than a verse here and a verse there. You need to explore the back story to discover the true context of a particular verse.
The Book of Malachi is the last book of the Old Testament or Old Covenant. The name Malachi means “my messenger”! The Book records the messages of the prophet, Malachi; who lived during the second half of the fifth century B.C. This was after the temple at Jerusalem had been rebuilt. The Jews religious life was not in good condition. They had married foreign women, failed to give God what they should have, and even left the worship of God after he delivered their forefathers from bondage in Egypt.
Malachi’s chief concern was that the Israelites relationship to God was not as it should be. They had forgotten God and treated him with dishonor. They failed to do what God required of them! (This is an important point) He gave them the Law through the prophet Moses. Because of this, there would be judgment; but the God-fearing people did not need to worry because they were in God’s book and would enjoy God’s salvation forever. Let’s look at this book chapter by chapter!
In Chapter I, (1: 1-5)…..God declares His love for Israel. In Chapter I, (1:6-2:16) Israel insults God by sacrificing crippled, blemished animals on His altar. He says He will not accept their sacrifices. He states “Cursed is the cheat who has an acceptable male (unblemished) in his flock and vows (promises) to give it, but then sacrifices a blemished animal to the Lord.”
God required the people of Israel and the Priests, to make acceptable sacrifices. Acceptable sacrifices were the first fruits of any harvest and perfect unblemished animals. Malachi found that the people and the priests had strayed from this law. They were keeping the very best of everything for themselves and offering to God the least of their harvest and blemished, crippled and diseased animals. This was an insult to God Almighty and a defile of His altar.
Next He admonishes the Priests, who were charged with keeping and teaching the Law, because they do not honor him. He says He has cursed them and the people because of this. He reminds them that his covenant was made with Levi and that Levi walked upright with Him. This is where the tribe of Levi, gets their name. They are one of the twelve tribes of Israel and were chosen (set aside) to be Priests of The Tabernacle, God’s Temple. He tells them that they have turned from the way Levi instructed them and by their teachings they have caused many to stumble. (To Sin against God)
Next he speaks of how the tribe of Judah was unfaithful to God by breaking faith with one another. (Breaking their marriage vows) Judah has desecrated the sanctuary the Lord loves, by marring the daughter of a foreign god. (God loves the sanctuary of marriage) He tells how they weep and wail because God no longer pays attention to their offerings or accepts them. They were divorcing their wives of many years although God made them one flesh and spirit, belonging to Him. God says “I hate divorce.” (Verse 16)
Chapter 2: 17 – Chapter 4:6 - -God’s Judgment and promise. It is in Chapter 3 that the subject of “robbing God” comes up. Now if you look at the backdrop of Israel as stated above, when you read Chapter 3, it will become plain to you, the context of the question “Will a man rob God.”
In 3: 6, God says “I the Lord do not change. So you, O descendants of Jacob, (the tribes of Israel) are not destroyed. 7 Ever since the time of your forefather you have turned away from my decrees and have not kept them.” (Remember how when Moses guided them out of Egypt and gave them the Laws of God; how they turned back to worshiping false gods. How they angered God over and over and He forgave them again and again? This is what he is speaking of. From way back then to now, they have not obeyed God’s Commandments and Laws; Because of this they are away from God.)
Next God says “Return to me, and I will return to you! But you ask, how are we to return? (How can we get back in good relations with you Lord?) 8 God answers, “Will a man rob God? Yet you rob me. But you ask, “How do we rob you?” (God has been telling them through his messenger Malachi, in all these chapters, what they were doing wrong that caused them to be cursed by him. This is one more thing they were doing wrong! He is offering them another opportunity to “Return to Him”…get back in good relationship)
He answers, “In tithes and offerings. 9 You are under a curse, the whole nation of you; because you are robbing me!” (How were they, the priests and tribes robbing God?? Under the laws of Moses, from God, each tribe was supposed to give ten percent of their wealth to the tribe of Levi, the chosen priests. The Levites’ were not allowed to own property of any sort. They were to be totally dedicated to serving the Tabernacle of God. Since they had no means of earning a living, God decreed that the other eleven tribes were to support them with tithes and offerings. (This did not mean just money. It meant livestock, grains, goods and service also) This they were not doing; and they were not giving the first fruits and best of their livestock for sacrifice to God. They gave poor grain offerings and crippled and blemished animals for sacrifice to God and they kept the best of everything for themselves! THIS IS HOW THEY WERE ROBBING GOD! It does not mean just giving money!)
Now Verse 10-12 is the kicker! These are the verses some pastors use to convince you to give ten percent of your income to the church, as a commandment of God! I call them the “Let’s make a deal” verses. Verse 10,… Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it. Verse 11- I will prevent pests from devouring your crops, and the vines in your fields will not cast their fruit, “says the Lord Almighty.” Verse 12- Then all the nations will call you blessed, for y ours will be a delightful land,” says the Lord.
In these verses God is telling the Israelites’ how they can once again be blessed by Him! He asks them to start obeying His laws again by giving the proper tithes and offerings to His house. He asks them to put Him to a test. Allow Him to prove His word to them. If they will do this, He will bless them greatly! He will bless them so much that they won’t be able to store it. He promises that no pest will destroy their crops and their fruits and vines will flourish in abundance. He is promising them that none of the natural occurrences of agriculture and farming, will happen to them, if they return to serving Him. He tells them that they will be admired by other nations, because of the abundance of their land.
It is plain to see that these scriptures reveal a much different meaning then that taught and preached in churches today. In no way does this scripture refer to or endorse compulsory tithes and offerings, on the part of believers. God’s obvious intention in giving instruction to Israel to bring tithes into the storehouse was to insure the support of the priest and maintenance of the Tabernacle, as He had previously instructed. It was never intended to be applicable to the early Christians or Christians today. In the early church “God motivated giving” was encouraged! Giving comes from motivation of the heart and it is Jesus who motivates our hearts to
give in support of the Church, its programs and one another!
Belief is what motivates the giver! Belief in the life; death; burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Believers are supposed to give to the church out of their love of God, coming from that belief! There is no compulsion or pressure to give; nor dictates as to how much each person is to give, in “their giving”!
Contributing to the church is voluntary and freely given from an individual’s sincere desire to sustain the church, its programs and meet its needs. When we are saved by the preached gospel of Jesus Christ, we desire others to be saved also. So, we give what we can of our knowledge, energies, talents, and finances to ensure the church is maintained and able to fulfill this purpose.
There is indeed satisfaction and joy in giving! But it comes from your “free will, cheerful, eager giving”! You will find satisfaction in seeing that the support you gave to the church is used in a tangible, meaningful way to support the church, its programs and the saints. Hopefully, people are thankful for it! Hopefully it causes them to turn to God and “say the benefits of this ministry have truly ministered to me personally. Thank you Jesus for this Church being here!”
Unfortunately, some Pastors have gotten the scriptures concerning tithes and offerings all twisted! Whether it is intentionally self serving, immaturity in faith or simply a lack of knowledge; they are preaching “Let’s Make A Deal” with God! If you give so much…then God will reward you with so much! They have turned simple heartfelt giving into some sort of “prosperity program!” that benefits them and their families. More and more you see these so called “Sheppard’s” enjoying enormous salaries and living lavish lifestyles, as a result of the deceptive interpretation of Malachi 3:6 and other scriptures. They are the ones who should answer the question, “Will a man rob God?”
Give your tithes and offerings to your home church, but give from knowledge that your giving is not compulsoryz; nor can anyone dictate as to how much you are to give! Give cheerfully from your heart, of what God has blessed you with, in whatever amount comfortable for you. God does not want you to be poor. Give to sustain the church; to aide its causesand programs; and to meet other’s needs! However, don’t be pressured by anyone into injuring yourself or your family's financial position, by giving a mandatory 10% of your income! It is not Biblical!
Your brother, In His Service
Min. Douglas
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