Tuesday, August 30, 2011


 To begin our discussion of Better Understanding the Bible, I want to share a few important facts with you. There are a number of important details that are overlooked by laypeople and pastors alike, when it comes to reading and studying the Bible. Some of these details are printed in the introductions to chapters; in commentaries, concordances, and included in some bibles. Most of these facts are only known to those who engage in “serious bible study”. Not the cursory study done by most people or in most church bible study classes. But by people who dedicate themselves to knowing as much about the Word of God, as possible. This information comes from reading biblical history, bible commentaries, bible translations, reference books and the published works of renowned bible scholars and theologians..

We owe much to the Theologians and Bible Scholars of the past centuries and present day. Open any edition of The Bible and you will find the names of the learned scholars and theologians who are responsible for its translation, creation, editing and printing. If you research their names, using any search engine; you will find their credentials, academic authorities and accomplishments. They are the highly educated masters of the arts, scholars, theologians, archeologists, anthropologists and scientist, who religiously search after the knowledge of the scriptures.

Why is it important to have knowledge of who these scholars are? Because these are the people of whom all who read and study The Bible, trust for our understanding and the correct interpretation and translations of the scriptures! Many are highly respected professors who teach at prestigious seminaries and universities. They are the men and women who have devoted their education and their very lives to the exploration and study of scripture.

They are highly respected for their knowledge on the subject because they have lived in the biblical lands; unearthed the treasures of long ago buried civilizations; researched and studied the peoples; their history and customs for untold years. They have learned to read, write and speak the various languages in which the texts (scriptures) were written. Their experiential knowledge is what enabled them to aide in the translation of the American English Bible. Equally important, is having more than a cursory knowledge of how we got The Bible. It did not just miraculously appear out of nowhere or drop from the sky and land in the hands of some individual. Readers should have some knowledge of just how this great book came to be.

The Bible is the number one bestselling book of all times; and its readers know little or nothing about its origins. We accept, trust and believe its message and content based entirely on its claim to be the “Inerrant Word of God!” Now, when we think of God, our Heavenly Father, we think of His Holy, Righteous, Devine Nature and His Infallibility! Because of our high regard for God, we carry over these same thoughts and attributes to His Word, The Bible. We want to believe that the men responsible for its writing, were writing under the influence of the Holy Spirit and therefore their writing is inerrant and infallible.

We forget that men are not infallible and the Bible itself is testimony to man’s ongoing struggles with unrighteousness. If you have a sincere desire to know the truth contained in the Bible, begin to read and study in earnest! God will reward your study of His word, with a new clarity and insight you have not known before. How much richer your life would be if you left each Bible reading with a new perspective and a small change for the better. A small change every day adds up to a changed life…. that is the true purpose of Scripture.

The following 5 points are some of the details and background information not known to laypeople and often overlooked by those called to preach the Gospel. However, they are significant and fundamental to a clearer, better understanding of this great book; the various translations it has come through; and the true contexts in which scripture is written. Because we all very often read scripture without fully knowing the context of the verses that are written; we are subject to error in our beliefs and our application of these scripture truths, to our lives.

#1 The Bible underwent numerous language translations prior to the King James Version in English.
The Bible existed for centuries in other forms prior to King James authorizing the English version we have today in 1611.Prior to this, Scripture was first past down by oral tradition. It was memorized and recited verbally for a long time before it actually appeared in a written form. When you open the first pages of the Authorized King James Version it says, “It was translated out of the original tongues, with the former, diligently compared and revised.” No one ever asks the question, “what were the original tongues it was translated from?” Common sense says if you knew that, one could research and find out the accuracy of any of the translations, compared to the original. The Original tongues were Aramai and Hebrew. It was later translated into Greek, Latin and finally into Old English. Since 1618, it was translated into American English, (with multiple upgraded editions as our language changed) and almost every language spoken by man.

#2 The Bible writers were not all “Inspired Men of God.”
When you study the history of peoples in biblical times, you will find that there existed racial, religious, cultural and political issues that shaped the world of that day. After the Ascension, Jesus’ followers were considered just another cult by the Romans, who ruled at that time. They were counted among the numerous existing heathen religions. The Romans were idolaters and polytheist. They had no fear of the little Jesus cult popping up everywhere; so long as they caused no trouble to the Empire. Every cult had their own Gods, miracles, worship practices and sacred writings. Each cult attempted to spread its doctrines through its converts and its writings. When the writings of all were being considered for inclusion in the bible, each cult’s adherents tried to influence the selection in their favor.

The inspired men of God wrote the scriptures, however, professional scribes were used to produce copies for distribution. The professional scribes, charged with the writing, were members of various religious groups and cults. Through mistakes in copying and deliberate alteration, the original manuscript text was changed. Some of these changes came about from honest errors in their choice in words, phrases and concepts, being translated from one language to another. Some changes were made do to these scribes editing to reflect their group’s teachings, doctrines and points of view.

#3 The “Original Text” of the Bible’s Scriptures, is unknown.
There is no “original text” of the bible scriptures! The originals do not exist today! In all of the archeological searches and discoveries over the centuries, isn’t it peculiar that not one of the original texts have been found? What the archeologist discovered and later translated into the various languages, were “copies” of the originals, written in Aramai, Hebrew and Greek. Large quantities of scrolls have been found of the scribe’s failed attempts to copy the scriptures, with the various errors and alterations. Scientist and Scholars have very accurately discovered the ages of these texts and have determined they could not be the originals.

When the New Testament life, teachings and sayings of Jesus were first written, by those who followed him, they were spread by the believers who could read and write. They meticulously copied them and shared the copies with other small groups of believers. The same is true for the Apostles written accounts of Jesus’ life and teachings. However, these attempts at recording and compiling the Master’s Life and Teachings did not occur for up to 70 years after His Ascension.

However, the writers of Scripture do affirm in 2 Timothy 3:16, that the words of their writings are divinely taught. 16-“All Scripture is God-Breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.”
And in Romans 15:4, 4-“For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.” Do these scriptures only refer to the “Original Manuscripts” and not to subsequent translations and versions, with their alterations? Even so, the labors of competent Bible scholars have brought our English versions to a remarkable degree of reliability, so that no essential truth of Scripture is ever under any question.

#4 Early converts to “The Way” (Christianity) were largely illiterate.
In biblical times the majority of people were uneducated. They could not read or write in their own language. They communicated verbally and followed long established oral traditions. The common people spoke Aramai; the religious leaders spoke, read and wrote Hebrew; and the Ruling Class was educated and spoke, read and wrote Greek; in addition to their native language. When people became coverts, they became converted as a result of “hearing the gospel.” The Good News was preached to them by an Apostle or another convert to “The Way.”

“The Way” was the name for Jesus’ teachings by the Jewish and Gentile converts of the 1st. century. These believers were converted after Jesus’ death and resurrection, by Jesus’s commissioned disciples and other converts. As they traveled throughout the region, they established small church groups called Ecclesia’s. At their gatherings for worship, the copies of scriptures and letters from the Apostles were read aloud to them. This is how they received their instruction and teachings in the Word of God… by hearing! Examination of the scriptures shows that they were written to be read aloud to audiences. Those who could read and write were charged to make copies to be read and studied in their Ecclesia. They used these copies to share with neighboring groups and to convert others to “The Way.”

#5 Authorship and Dates of many books in the bible are questionable.
Scholars have done their best to authenticate the authors and attempt to date the events recorded in the Bible. However, in many of the cases they can only speculate as to “Who wrote that particular epistle and the date of its writing.” They can only state that “they believe” it was written by “so n’so” because of certain known facts; similarities to events recorded in other historical books; and by comparison to the writing styles of known authors of that era; And the date “is approximately “so n’so”, by equating the writing to known historical events!

For example, the author of Hebrews is unknown! It is ‘believed’ to be written by the Apostle Paul by some scholars and others attribute the writing to Paul’s disciple Barnabas; because the style and wording is unlike any of the known epistles penned by Paul. Another example, no one is certain exactly when the Book of Job was written!
Some theologians think it may have been the first Bible book written, while others date it up to two thousand years later. In addition, there are different alleged eye witness accounts of the same events in history. Certain dates and authorship continue to be hotly debated, amongst theologians and scholars.

The Gnostic and other heathen cults produced many writings (texts) during the early 1st Centuries. Their writings were considered to be heretical writings, by the early Church Fathers. It was their common practice of the time to place the name of an Apostle or famous Theologian on their writing as the author. The result was, they gained credibility for their cults and spread their philosophy and doctrines, by this deception. Many of these writings found their way into consideration for inclusion into the first composition of the Bible in 1611. These writings came under great scrutiny and examination by the Counsels charged with the compilation. The rejection of these texts gave origin to the creation of the books called Apocrypha..

The word "apocrypha" means "of questionable authenticity." These are called non canonical books because when the canon of Scriptures (the sixty six books of the Old and New Testaments) was accepted by the early Church Fathers, they recognized that these books contained false material and therefore were not inspired of God. They were not accepted as “Holy Scripture”, and stand separate from the Bible.

Other names for these books are "hidden" or "deuterocanonical" books. Meaning, a secondary collection of scriptures; relating or belonging to a secondary, less well-regarded, or disputed collection of religious scripture; especially the Apocrypha. These books are also called "pseudepigraphal", meaning "false writings", anonymous or pseudonymous writings professing to be biblical, but not included in any acceptable biblical canon. They were designated as counterfeit and unauthentic books of the late centuries B. C. and early centuries A. D. These books contain religious folklore and and were considered “heretical writings.” They have never been considered inspired of God by biblical scholars and Church founders from the earliest times of churches.
This treatise has not been written with the intent to have anyone doubt the Word of God, in any regard. It was written to aide you in a better understanding of the Bible and to entreat you to be serious in your reading, examination and study the Word. Allow the truths of the scriptures to come forth from your diligence, with the aid of the Holy Spirit.
Why should we study the Bible? 1) Because, God urges each of us to apply His Word to our lives. (James 1:22-25 NIV) And 2) Because, believers are not reading the Bible with understanding and therefore not applying its commands to their lives.

The aim of this writing can be summed up by the following words of scripture, from Nehemiah 8:7-8, 12 NIV

“7 The Levites…..instructed the people in the Law while the people were standing there. 8 They read from the Book of the Law of God, making it clear and giving the meaning so that the people could understand what was being read. 12- Then all the people went away….to celebrate with great joy, because they now understood the words that had been made known to them.”

I believe if we are diligent in our study of the Word and the application of its precepts in our lives, we will indeed become new creatures in Christ. We can become a light unto the Path for the unsaved. They will see their way to Christ not only by the preached gospel, but by the light emanating from our lives, as we allow Christ to shine forth through us.
Your brother, In His Service
Min. Douglas

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