I was asked this question on my FaceBook page, by a Pastor. This was my response!
Dr. Williams:
You asked my thoughts on a two part question!
“Do you think pastors should have access to individual's giving records? If so, does this create the possibility for pastoral favoritism, or does this information provide an important discipleship tool? Your thoughts?”
My answer is NO! I don’t believe a pastor should have access to individual believers giving records! Besides affording the potential for error (evil) by pastoral favoritism; having access to them, one could potentially hold a believer up to ridicule; or exert undue pressure, leverage or compulsion! Furthermore, it is none of a Pastor’s business!
I believe a problem with church leadership today, is that too many Pastors want to be “hands on” in every aspect of the church’s structure and organization. They desire to micro-manage every board, ministry and organization, which comes into existence under “The Church”. They don’t trust the judgment of the people appointed to positions of leadership in the church. They want to be the Sheppard over everything except the one thing that they are called to…delivering the word and gospel of Jesus Christ and Ministering to His flock!
The Body of Christ, that comprises “The Church”, was not centered on a person’s “monetary giving”! It was in the early church and it remains today; centered on “God Motivated Giving”! Giving comes from a heart motivation and it is Jesus who motivates our hearts to give in support of the Church, its programs and one another!
Belief is what motivates the giver! Belief in the life; death; burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Believers are supposed to give to the church out of their love of God, coming from that belief! There is no compulsion or pressure to give; nor dictates as to how much each person is to give, in “their giving”!
Contributing to the church is voluntary and freely given from an individual’s sincere desire to sustain the church, its programs and meet its needs. When we are saved by the preached gospel of Jesus Christ, we desire others to be saved also. So, we give what we can of our knowledge, energies, talents, and finances to ensure the church is maintained and able to fulfill this purpose.
There is indeed satisfaction and joy in giving! But it comes from your “free will, cheerful, eager giving”! You find satisfaction in seeing that the support you gave to the church is used in a tangible, meaningful way to support the church, its programs and the saints. Hopefully, people are thankful for it! Hopefully it causes them to turn to God and “say the benefits of this ministry have truly ministered to me personally. Thank you Jesus for this Church being here!”
Some pastors have gotten the scriptures concerning giving, twisted! They are preaching “Let’s Make A Deal” with God! If you give so much…then God will reward you with so much! They have turned simple heartfelt giving into some sort of “prosperity program” that benefits them and supports their lavish lifestyles. Jesus condemned the Pharisees and Sadducees of this in confrontations with them; And He condemns these modern day church leaders and teachers of the same today!
Pastors should allow their Trustee’s, Deacons and Administrator’s to handle the Churches finances and corresponding records. Never should a Pastor inquire into who is giving and how much! Believers should never be compared with one another as to their giving. He should allow the Administrator and Trustee’s to report to the body and encourage giving for specific causes. If believers are being properly fed by the Pastor, from the Word, they will be eager, cheerful givers, correspondingly! I believe, in Churches today…there is too much emphasis on giving and finance; and not enough emphasis on Jesus and Service!
As to whether a Pastor having this information, provides an important discipleship tool? I cannot see where it does! Any pastor having access to an individual’s giving records does not provide a tool for discipleship. It has no relationship to making Disciples for Christ. Where in the Bible does Jesus state giving as a prerequisite to discipleship? No where! In fact, Jesus states just the opposite! He directs listeners to divest themselves of wealth and property, and then come follow Him!
Although I am not a pastor of a church body, I believe having this information opens a Pastor up to the potential of misuse. Even if there is no impropriety, Pastors should avoid the “appearance” of impropriety at all cost! It also puts the Pastor in a position to judge a believers faith, based on his ability to give. This is not biblical! The information could potentially be used to discriminate against believers seeking positions of service in the church. Tools for discipleship are found in “teachable moments” derived from fellowshipping; believers sharing their testimonies, and are supported by scripture. Teachable moments are lessons applicable to our spiritual growth; emanating from the Word of God and through the guidance of The Holy Spirit!
Your brother, In His Service
Min. Douglas Daniels
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