I found myself disturbed earlier
today as a result of a post I received on FB. The post reported on a video and
news story of a young Christian Convert from Islam who was murdered by Muslims
in a most heinous way. I could not watch the video of this young believer in
Christ, being held down and having his head cut off with a knife while he was
alive. Reading the story was difficult enough, with its graphic description of
the event. I have not been able to get
this story out of my mind and the plight of countless other believers, who will
face similar or worst treatment at the hands of Muslims. After spending some
time in prayer, I feel emotionally better for the moment and I feel the need to
write or even vent about my concerns.
I am having conflicting feelings
about this! I am feeling sorrow, sadness, horror, compassion, and anger over
this atrocious act. At the same time I am feeling relief and a kind of thankfulness
that it was not happening to me or Christians in the United States. I feel
truly hypocritical right now! I imagine it is the “self preservation” gene
making its impress on my thoughts. However, in all of this, the thought
occurred to me that these believers are true Christians! They put it all on the
line for Christ. They believed Jesus and are living Christianity inside Islamic
and Atheistic dominated countries; where they live daily with the threat of
being killed for their Faith. How brave they are!
By contrast, we who are Christians in America
offer up a lot of lip service; live a soft, undemanding, open life of faith. Our
faith is rarely, if ever, challenged and tested. We are never faced with a life
or death decision concerning our beliefs and faith. We have in the past and it
still occurs today, suffered discriminations of some sort for being Christian. However,
discrimination for us is more of an annoyance: a inconvenience that does not
rise to the level of martyrdom. In this Sunday’s
sermon, my Pastor, William E. Tyler, of Antioch MBC, emphasized the point that,
as Christians “we often deny Christ by
our inactions!” We are given daily opportunities to “share our faith”
with others, and we fail to rise to the occasion. We fail to fulfill our call,
duty and commission to “reach the unsaved!” We are effectively denying Christ
and the Christian Faith we claim to believe in! Then on the heels of his
sermon, I come home to read of this brave believer’s martyrdom and I’m moved to
I cannot tell if my tears are for
the loss of him and other Christians facing the same fate; or for the sorry
state we find ourselves as Christians in America today! How have we become so
lax in our duties to our God, Faith and one another? We have experienced clear proofs of God’s
Unconditional Love and Power in our individual and collective lives. He has
truly brought us from a mighty long way. Many of us have been so far down in
the muck and mire of this society; we were without hope of rising above our
sinful nature and conditions. Then
someone shared their faith with us! Someone prayed for us! A seed was planted
in our minds and God nourished it until one day we were strong enough to accept
Christ and our lives were changed forever by God’s gift of Grace. Christ worked
a real miracle in my life and others lives! Cleaning us up and making us
acceptable to the Father. We are now charged to share that miracle experience, so
that it can duplicate the work in the life of someone else.
You and I are should be proof enough
to any non-believers that God is truly real! Who else could take filthy sinners
and wash them clean, to live new lives as lights to a darkened world? Who else could give this young man peace and
assurance to calmly face having his head cut off, when all he had to do to save
his life was denounce Christ and Christianity? He found his salvation in Christ Jesus and not
Muhammad! The Gospel of Mark 8:35 says, “For
whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life
for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it.” This young
Christian found the same Faith that allowed the early Christians to face persecution
and death by wild animals in the coliseum, for the enjoyment of pagans. He
found the same Faith that allowed the Disciples of Christ, to face their
martyrdom for preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ! (Sharing their faith!) Could this be an example of “the peace of God, which surpasses all
understanding”, promised in Philippians 4:7. We probably won’t
understand it until we are faced with similar circumstances. Only God can give
you that assurance of peace in faith, where a believer will give up his life
rather than deny Jesus Christ in apostasy.
Here we fat Christians sit in our
finery! Fine homes and automobiles! Fat in material wealth; Fat in our body
temples; Fat in our self righteousness; Fat in our egos and false pride! Yes,
we are indeed FAT! Enjoying the freedoms of speech, travel, religion and worship;
while in countries like China, Russia, Korea, Indonesia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Saudi
Arabia and parts of Africa; Christians are being persecuted and killed for the
same beliefs that we claim. None are spared from martyrdom! Men, Women and
children are viciously killed for professing Christ; possessing a bible or page
from a bible; or reciting a passage where someone could hear it. Hiding and meeting in secret to worship
together; knowing at any time, they could be imprisoned, tortured and killed,
for doing so. And here we are in America, taking our freedoms for granted! I
would venture to say that the “average” Christian has no idea of the sufferings
of other Christians for their Faith.
In my youth, I was incarcerated
in an L. A. County Probation Forestry Camp. We were assigned to work in the
foothills of Los Angeles; fighting forest fires, clearing brush, cutting trails
and planting trees. It was hard, tedious work in the hot sun. Everyone on the crew sought to do as little
as possible in fulfilling the day’s quota of work. We called this effort “playing the part!” We would go
through the motions of working and to the supervisor watching, it would appear
we were working hard. However, we only accomplished a fraction of the work we
were supposed to achieve. We would
jokingly say of one another “So n’ so, is playing the part!” So the next day,
we would be back at the same place, doing the same thing, with the same
results. I think we Christians in America are doing the same thing! Playing the
part! Going through the motions of practicing Christianity; appearing to those
watching, that we are righteous and giving service, but accomplishing little of
I believe that we have lost sight
of what the Church and Body of Christ was in the past and how it is supposed to
function today! We have become very comfortable “playing the part!” It is a sad
commentary on our Faith that Christians are so divided! According
to the Center for the Study of Global Christianity (CSGC) at
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, there are upwards of over 30,000
Christian Denominations. Can you imagine how Jesus Christ’s one, simple gospel
became fractured into 30,000 different gospels! Remember what Jesus said in
Mark 3:25, “And if a house be divided against
itself, that house cannot stand!” How long will God allow this house to stand like
this? How are we to grow in our Faith when we cannot agree even on basic doctrine
and worship together? We have divided ourselves in our theology, but God says He
is ONE! We have divided ourselves along racial and cultural lines; but God says
we are ONE PEOPLE! We have divided ourselves in religions, but Jesus gave
mankind “The WAY! Don’t you think it is time for us Christians to re-asses what
we are doing and just who it is we are following?
I say to you truly, you must read
God’s word for YOURSELF and allow it to lead you back to the Faith taught by Jesus
and His Apostles. The Faith that will cause you to be active and committed to
fulfilling God’s Will and Purpose in your life. Each of us has gifts that can
be used in kingdom building! Each of us has a task that we can accomplish for
the Lord and the cause of Christianity! Are you going to sit contently by,
enjoying a weekly feel good sermon; or are you ready to get up and truly be a
part of the body of Christ? Can you continue to sit comfortably by and
unconcerned, while our brothers and sisters in Christ are dying for the cause
of Christianity? Does not your heart say there must be something we can do? Why
can’t Christians march on Washington and demand our government do something to
stop this? Why can’t Christians demonstrate in front of Muslim Mosque and
demand that they stop the killing of Christians?
You let a Muslim be killed here
unjustly and see how fast America’s streets are filled up with Muslims decrying
the injustice! See how in an instant there will be demonstrations against
America in every Muslim country! Don’t tell me that junk about “it is not all
of the Muslims, it is just the extremists! I know friends who are Muslims and
they aren’t like that!” Yeah! Right! You
had better examine how the extremists are funded from these Mosque and other
Muslim organizations in America! We
so-called Christians sit back and watch Christians die like dogs, and never say
a mumbling word. Too afraid of offending the Muslims. Scared not to be
politically correct about what we say! Don’t you think it is time for
Christians to stand up and defend our Faith and our believers as they do? And
yes, I expect to receive some flack and criticisms from some of you blind
Christians, and misguided American Muslims! Bring it on! Maybe this will
be the dialogue it will take to wake up these complacent, sleeping Christians!
The Muslim extremists who believe
in Islam are determined to destroy America and Christianity! There statements
and actions are proof of this! This is common knowledge! Their desire is to
kill all Christians who will not denounce Christ and accept Islam. They are
bound by their Book to do so! Most of you Christians are acting like this is
some fairy tale! You had better wake up to reality! Don’t think that the U.S. Government
and the Politics of America can’t change that drastically! Egypt just elected an
extremist from the Muslim Brotherhood as its leader! When he institutes Sharia Law in Egypt, you
will understand! A country that used to be an ally to the U.S. will now be
considered a threat! It has the potential of becoming the largest stronghold
for terrorist in the world.
What do all these terrorist
groups have in common?....The religion of Islam and its dedication to the
extinction of all other religions but Islam. These people are willing and eager
to die for their beliefs and God. We so called Christians won’t even speak up for
our beliefs and God! They will strap on explosives in an effort to defeat us and
make change. We won’t march in the streets or write a letter in order to protect
Christians and our way of life! Christians could at anytime be faced with the
same decision this new convert to Christ was faced with, right here in America.
What will you do? Don’t be too
comfortable! Remember how God allowed Israel’s enemies to capture them and
destroy their city and temple because of Israel’s disobedience. Don’t think
this cannot happen in America today! The same God back then….is the same God
Your brother, In His Service
Min. Douglas